English conversation in the kitchen Learn English
sitdown and eat
Help me set the table
Please close the refrigerator
Don’t hold the refrigerator door open
It’s your turn to do the dishes
I will wash the dishes and you can dry
When will dinner be ready
Will you please load the dish washer
Put the dirty dishes in the sink
We need an extra chair
Don’t eat so fast
Don’t talk with your mouth full
We’re having soup and sandwiches for lunch
The tureky is in the oven
I will warm up the pizza in the microwave
Don’t put those bones in the garbage disposal
Please put the silve ware on the table
Do the spoons and the knife go on the right side of the plate
The forks go on the other side
Use one squirt of dish detergent when you wash dishes
The broom and mop are standing in the kitchen
I need the mixer to blend the cake ingredients
What are we having for dinner?
Wer’e having spaghetti and meat balls for dinner
Would you like a tossed salad with the spaghetti
Put the plates and saucers in the cupboard
Put the cups and glasses in the another cupboard
What’s for dessert?
I have to scour the large pan